What to Expect?
- Schedule a meeting using our booking form
- We'll call you at the scheduled time.
- We'll ask you about your main pain points with your current system.
- We'll put a proposal together for you
- We'll follow up with you by phone or email to explain the proposal and any recommendations we have
- We'll leave you alone. We don't like pushy sales people either...
Book a consultation phone call
Cant wait? Call now 1800 931 269
Who You'll Speak To
Depending on the information you provide, you’ll speak to one of the following people, depending on your requirements.
Jaime Patch
- Business Development and Strategy
- Business Intelligence
- Midsize Businesses 150+ Employees
Andrew McIntosh
General Manager
- Business Intelligence
- Solutions architecture
- Finding the best solutions for the best price
Tim Claridge
Project Manager
- Complex Projects
- Solutions architecture
- Solutions Architecture
Kellan Church
Helpdesk Manager
- Assessing support requirements
- Ensuring world class support
- Solutions Assessment and Implementation